11 June 2008

Asphyxia Smoke

Asphyxia smokes clouds my head and the words I have spoken are heavy with a smell of tobacco and ash. lost thoughts head up and above me in rings of grey matter holding on to the spattered cells of oxygen light blood that travels slowly without much pressure until floating on it spoils the ceiling in a nicotine yellow patch of aftermath. beyond all this there is a hope of forgiveness for the grief and the bad bad smell. the cost of it all is in pounds and life and the shivering goose bumps of winter months standing outside after the ban. but now in the summer is the time to stop the smoke asphyxiation with full brain mental concentration I will be strong and win through. I will emerge from the cords that drown me in inoculating grey thick treacle lung blanket will be cleaned away after I've read my book on how to give up smoking the sassy way.

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